Character & Costume Design

Next to sketching my own ideas and designs I also did some work as a Costume/Characterdesigner for Wingfeather Saga Season2.

Personal Art

Dynamic Poses

This year I developed a style for a more dynamic and brushed look. Projects with this style are still underway.


DiceAcTORS Characters

I am designing and drawing the artworks for the main Campaign of the German Youtuber Group Diceactors.

For Chasing Carrots

Cinnamon Sky Characters

I was able to design the 5 Maincharacters of Chasing Carrots upcoming Game Cinnamon Sky. The basic style of the characters was already set.

Costume Design

Riimei Vtuber

New Costume/Outfit for Riimei, only the facial features stayed the same. During the design process we went from different outfit ideas over several iterations to color.